Friday, August 1, 2014

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) - Fr. William Saunders

Father William P. Saunders
Father William P. Saunders teaches an annual course about the Catholic Faith “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults” (RCIA).

Father William P. Saunders, currently pastor at Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church in Potomac Falls, Virginia.

CCC 27. The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for:
The dignity of man rests above all on the fact that he is called to communion with God. This invitation to converse with God is addressed to man as soon as he comes into being. For if man exists it is because God has created him through love, and through love continues to hold him in existence. He cannot live fully according to truth unless he freely acknowledges that love and entrusts himself to his creator.

1. Who is God? How do we know God?

2. The Sources of Revelation: Sacred Scripture & Tradition

3. The Holy Trinity & God, the Father and Creator

4. The Creation Story, The Fall, the Preparation for the Savior

5. Jesus Christ: Son of God, Savior, Messiah, Lord and The Birth of Jesus & His Public Ministry

6. The Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus

7. The Holy Spirit and the Early Church

8. The Catholic Church (... as Priest, King)

9. The Catholic Church ( Prophet)

10. The Last Things: Death, Judgement, & Everlasting Life

11. Mary and the Saints

12. Introduction to Sacraments, Baptism and Confirmation

13. The Holy Eucharist

14. The Mass

15. Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick

16. Sacraments of Vocation: Marriage and Holy Orders

17. The Spiritual Life: Prayer, Devotions, and Sacramentals

18. Christian Morality and Moral Issues

19. Christian Morality and Moral Issues (...dealing with the Beginning of Life)

20. Christian Morality and Moral Issues (...dealing with the End of Life)

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