I’m gonna share with you this sort of Catholic posture with which we can approach the book of Revelation... What we are going to see is that the book of Revelation is actually a revelation given to John which is a prophecy of the impending judgment on Jerusalem in 70 AD when Jerusalem is siege by the Roman Empire and the city was burned along with Salomon´s temple.
Lesson 1: The Beginning of the Unveiling
In this talk, which is lesson 1 of a 6 lesson seminar entitled "Unveiling the Mystery: A Catholic Study of the Book of Revelation," Karlo gives a posture with which the Catholic can approach the Book of Revelation. He introduces the pre-70 A.D. dating theory and highlights as an introduction the themes of liturgy and judgment.Part 1
Part 2
Lesson 2: The Letters, Liturgy & a Seal Scroll
Karlo gives a biblical exegesis of chapters 2 through 6 of the Book of Revelation, explaining the significance of the 7 letters to the 7 churches in Asia Minor, the liturgical images revealed and the sealed scroll.Part 1
Part 2
Lesson 3: Israel Restored, Trumpets, the Woman
Karlo explains the significance of the 144,000 as the restoration of Israel, the images of the trumpets as signaling the judgment on Jerusaelm, and the woman of Revelation 12 as Mary.Part 1
Part 2
Lesson 4: Beasts, Chalices & Fallen Babylon
Karlo explains what the two beasts in Revelation 13 refer to, the significance of the seven chalices and the fallen Babylon as Jerusalem.Part 1
Part 2
Lesson 5: Great Harlot & Wedding of the Lamb
Karlo exegetes the various details surrounding the stories of the great harlot and the wedding supper of the lamb.Part 1
Part 2
Lesson 6: The New Jerusalem
Karlo explains the various images present within chapters 21 to 22 of Revelation, such as the millennial reign, the great white throne judgment and the New Jerusalem.Part 1
Part 2
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